Prestazioni / Service:
Cliente / Customer: CREW S.p.a
Localizzazione / Location: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Cronologia / History: 2014: project - 2016 – in progress
Progetto Architettonico / Architectural project: Snohetta

Riyadh Metro Line 3

The project consists of the development of the Fire Safety project of the iconic station of Downtown. In particular, the project deals with the supporting activities to the design of the smoke control systems through the methods of Fire Engineering (CFD simulations) and the identification of passive measures (Life Safety).

In the scope of the intervention, it has taken on the following responsibilities and carried out the following activities:

  • Fire Safety Management, especially for the passive safety solutions/measures (partitioning, fire-resistance rating, means of egress)
  • Manager of the Fire Engineering project