Prestazioni / Service:
Cliente / Customer: SCE Project srl
Localizzazione / Location: Rho fiere, Milan
Dati dimensionali / Dimensional data: 2,000 m2
Cronologia / History: 2015
Progetto Architettonico / Architectural project: ANNE HOLTROP in collaboration with Architect ANOUK VOGEL

Bahrain Pavilion – Expo Milan 2015

The Bahrain Pavilion at Expo Milan 2015 mirrors the relations that bind together the agrarian property of the Country and its culture. At the end of the exposition, the pavilion, which can be entirely disassembled and recycled, will be moved to the Persian Gulf and will become a botanical garden. There are also some thousands-of-years-old historical manufactured products, each of which tied to the agrarian traditions and legends about Bahrain, the Garden of Eden and the Island of a Million Palm Trees.

In the scope of the intervention, it has taken on the following responsibilities and carried out the following activities:

  • Fire safety and prevention coordinator
  • Fire safety project