Prestazioni / Service:
Cliente / Customer: NOVACOOP Promogeco
Localizzazione / Location: Piedmont Region and Lombardy, Italy.
Dati dimensionali / Dimensional data: All Coop supermarkets and hypermarkets
Cronologia / History: 2009/2011
Importo / Price: € 200.000.000,00
Progetto Architettonico / Architectural project: Promogeco

COOP Centres

The project consists of the plan/programme of the management actions, in compliance with the provisions under Legislative Decree 09.04.08, as amended by Legislative Decree 03.08.09 No. 106.

Drawing up of the company safety management model according to the address referred to in Article 30 of Legislative Decree 81/08 and according to the Decalogue set down by OHS AS 18000 2007 in which the operating models have been developed. Functional levels of delegation with the operating activities in the sector of maintenance, restoration and new constructions.

Operational and safety management of any ordinary and extraordinary maintenance activity according to the address referred to in the SMS manual and in compliance with Legislative Decree 81/08.

Appointment of the role of Safety Coordinator for extraordinary maintenance activities.

Management and availability of an IT operating system managed via Web together with a person entrusted to the verification of the correct management of the process and the envisaged procedures.

Availability of technical units dedicated to the preparation of routine and detailed documentation and support to the verification activities.